
Things Falling Apart

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't written anything in the last 12 days. Two weekends ago it was just too effing hot to get out for a recreational ride.  In truth; I may have went for on on Sunday but I spent Saturday riding around the Vacaville/Fairfield area looking at 8 different potential neighborhoods/houses/apartments that my wife and I had picked out and that basically burned out all motivation to be on the bike the next day.  That low-speed in-town riding just took it out of me.  Then the next weekend I had a special visitor so I rented a car and spent the weekend wine tasting and at the beach.  It was a nice break though there were a number of times that I would have rather been on a bike; mostly in traffic :-)

In the interest of keeping things fresh here I am going to share a couple of videos I had planned on adding to the end of a more robust post.  I'm not sure what the deal is, but I have had two gear quality issues in side of two weeks of each other.  See the videos and pics below.

A shot of the repair work.

A shot of the repair work.

This coming weekend I have a two day weekend with nothing big planned but the next weekend is a three day weekend and I plan a long slab south to see some college friends I haven't seen in ages and while I am in the LA area I plan on stopping by Chabott Engineering to try and meet Shinya Kimura (a motorcycle hero of mine).  So look forward to that!

Thanks for reading as always!

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